Be Unstoppable!

Trusted by Leading Organizations


Need Confident, Happy, and Resilient Women Leaders?
Bring Carin in to teach "The New Way to WOMAN":
leading to bold confidence, greater well-being, leadership growth, and ultimately, higher engagement, productivity, and retention.

Carin Rockind is a top speaker for the women of companies like Amazon, Capital One, EY, Progressive Insurance, and BMW. She ignites women to take action and love their lives.

Her message to women is simple: Be in YOUR Power.
The Result: Unstoppable women leaders driving growth.

Carin will be the most interactive, engaging, uplifting, and fun speaker you've ever had.
Carin shares her stories of turning the pain of armed robbery, miscarriages and domestic abuse into purpose and inner power.
Women love her authentic vulnerability and humor; companies love the actionable takeaways.
Bring Carin in. Watch your women RISE.

Fired Up. Energized. Excited. Ready. And HAPPY.
How women leave Carin's engaging talks & workshops.

Women are the greatest untapped resource on the planet.

Women are born to be UNSTOPPABLE, but research shows that women are less confident than men in nearly every field.

Historic harassment, inequitable pay, lack of representation in leadership roles, and unequal responsibilities have left women stuck, burnt out, and trying to prove themselves.

Women deserve to thrive without doubt, fear or imposter syndrome. It's women's time to flourish and the path is different than for men.
Hire Carin for leadership development, career growth, and to succeed on all levels.

Goodbye Imposter Syndrome.

The "old" way of "woman'ing" doesn't work: Perfection. People pleasing. Proving. It's led women to have less confidence, more imposter syndrome, exhaustion and burnout.

With her masters degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and having not only survived, but thrived after numerous traumas, Carin has developed a new and proven methodology called, "The new way to WOMAN." Carin teaches women to stop giving their power away and instead, become the grounded, happy, and bold leaders they were born to be. She teaches the 4 proven pillars of the Unstoppable Woman, and the 4 steps to be in your personal power.

Women consistently ask their companies to have Carin speak again and again - it's why she's spoken at Progressive 8 times.

COMPASS Realtors after Carin's Keynote

Capital One Executives after Carin's Keynote

Carin Rockind offers innovative, research-based, feminine leadership programs, empowering female executives with the tools and mindset to fully embody their power and purpose while thriving in high-stakes, fast-evolving environments.

Women working with Carin gain:

Embodied Authentic Presence: Lead with innate power and unwavering confidence.
Resilience Rooted in Feminine Strength: Manage stress and rise above challenges.
Visionary Insight: Gain intuitive foresight to identify opportunities and drive change.
Purpose-Driven Power: Align leadership with values to create lasting success.
Radiant Mental Health and Well-Being: Achieve success with joy and without burnout.

Topics Include:

  • W: The New Way to WOMAN
  • Happiness: The Other Key to Success
  • SOAR: Strengths, Optimism, Achievement and Resilience
  • Mental and Emotional Resilience
  • Purpose over Perfection: How to Live Your Purpose Now

People who are optimistic, positive, and happy sell approximately 30% more than others. 

Carin teaches employees to identify purpose, be positive change agents, and use their personal power to thrive, thus creating greater retention, workplace resilience, camaraderie, and increased sales. In particular, companies going through significant change from mergers, layoffs, culture change, acquisitions, and office closures need intentional motivation to maintain productivity, presence and drive.

I was so excited to open up my online store, but I quickly realized I didn't have the right copy to rank anywhere near the first page of search results. North Star delivers everything I need for my site every single month.

— Karen S.

Sample Presentations

Amazon International Women's Day

Speaker Reel

JoAnn Fabrics: Women in Leadership

Progressive: Happiness

Working with the Whole Team

Success happens together. Carin frequently works with teams of women, men, and
non-binary professionals on team building, mental resilience, and well-being.

She has supported executive teams at LinkedIn, Victoria's Secret, SAY Media, AVANADE, AAA and more to create cohesive, collaborative and connected teams.

Carin motivates all employees to be Change Leaders – people who influence positive change – regardless of rank or title. Because of this, employees leave Carin’s talks empowered and motivated. She is consistently rated highly by employees and management alike.

Victoria's Secret Executives after Team Building

Book Carin